Springbank 1994 30yo

The Sins, Envy

Karuizawa 1964

First it’s brilliant whisky, and second, it’s ‘different’ whisky. Respect.
- Serge Valentin

Karuizawa Five Decades 1960-2000

A real piece of art, a true masterpiece bottled to recreate all that we love about Karuizawa – an unrivaled quality.

Karuizawa Five Decades

Springbank 1994, The Sins Envy

This whisky delivers an experience unlike any other. Its deep complexity, elegant character, and unforgettable finish make it a whisky worthy of admiration — and envy.

Victoria Amazonica awarded in RumX Awards 2023

Enmore 1994 28yo REV Victoria Amazonica Floral Rum Series created through the collaboration between Distilia and Catawiki, secured third position at the RumX Awards 2023.

RumX Victoria Amazonica 1994 28yo
Caroni Rum Shop Distilia

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Christian Drouin 1964/2024 47,9% 700ml The Sins – Gluttony

Simply a Calvados of absolute perfection.

97 points, Zucker und Zeste
9.4 points, Zucker und Zeste
9.4 points, Zucker und Zeste
9.4 points, Zucker und Zeste

Armagnac Garreau 1967 The Sins - Lust

Perhaps I have tasted the perfect armagnac today.

At least the perfect one for me.

Hendrik Fröhlich
95 points, zuckerundzeste.de
92 points, whiskyfun.com

Enmore 1994 REV Floral Rum Series - Victoria Amazonica

Distilia managed to secure some excellent Enmore, but even then this is outstanding.

92 points, whiskynotes.be

Versailles 1994 Enmore REV - Greenheart Collection

This nose is simply sumptuous. These indie series are just incredible.

91 points, whiskyfun.com

Versailles 1985 Enmore MEV Platinum - Greenheart Collection

Superb. The obvious oak had been perfectly digested.

92 points, whiskyfun.com